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← Treaties / Treaty of Friendship between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia
Treaty of Friendship between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia of 2020
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Version current from 19 September 2021 to date, incorporating amendments
Cite as [2020] GTS 1
His Excellency The Lord High Chancellor of the Chancellery of Gabon and The Honourable Red Duke of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia
ACKNOWLEDGING the deep relationship and close ties between the peoples of the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia;
RECOGNISING that a strong relationship between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia is of significant national interest for both nations;
NOTING that the strong and substantive diplomatic relations on the basis of mutual respect and interest should not be affected by the Withdrawal from the Union;
SEEKING to solidify the links of and anchor the Contracting Parties’ bilateral relationship;
CONVINCED that the further comprehensive development of the Contracting Parties’ bilateral relationship would promote progress and prosperity in both states and the region as a whole;
BEING ANIMATED by a sincere desire to consolidate the friendship and good relations which exist between the Contracting Parties;
PLEDGING their commitment to deepening ties based on respect for each other, international norms and each other’s sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and respective political systems;
COMMITTING to enhancing mutual trust and understanding, to strengthening the bilateral relationship and to contributing to peace, stability and prosperity in the region;
SEEKING to impart a long term commitment to their multifaceted bilateral relations and to actively develop them in political, development, economic, trade, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields in the years ahead;
DESIROUS of concluding a Treaty of Friendship with these objects and with the object of strengthening the contribution which each of the Contracting Parties will be able to make to the maintenance of international peace and security;
Have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
His Excellency The Lord High Chancellor: Himself
The Honourable The Red Duke: Himself
Who, having exhibited their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed as follows—
Article 1 Everlasting Peace and Friendship
There shall be everlasting peace and friendship between the two Contracting Parties who will strive to maintain and strengthen the cordial relations existing between the people of their respective countries.
Article 2 General Principles
- This Treaty, based on mutual understanding and long term trust between the Contracting Parties, envisages the elevation of the multifaceted ties between the two countries to higher levels, both in the bilateral field and in the international arena.
- The Strategic Partnership between the Contracting Parties is based upon the principles of sovereignty, equality and territorial integrity of States, non-interference in their internal affairs, mutual respect and mutual benefit.
- The Strategic Partnership between the Contracting Parties is not directed against any other State or group of States.
Article 3 Freedom of Navigation
A citizen of either Contracting Party may enter the territory of the other Contracting Party and remain on that territory indefinitely unless that citizen is under sentence for an offence against the other Contracting Party’s laws or commits an offence against the other Contracting Party’s laws other than trespass to public areas or the like.
Article 4 Recognition of Citizenship in Gabon
The Chancellery of Gabon agrees to allow any citizen of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia to have the benefit of a streamlined citizenship application process under the former Party’s municipal law.
Article 5 Modifications of Treaty
This treaty may be modified by the express consent of both Contracting Parties provided the modifications are made in writing.
Article 6 Cession of Lands
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia gives, transfers and grants and confirms unto the Chancellery of Gabon (including the heirs and successors forever thereof) all land claimed and held by Her Majesty The Queen of the then Principality of Gabon at the time the Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia was ratified, with all the rights, profits, territories and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, and as well the profits and revenue as the direct, full, and absolute dominion and sovereignty of the said territory, with all royalties thereof.
Article 7 Withdrawal from Previous Treaties
The Contracting Parties both permanently withdraw from the following treaties, which are now to be considered no longer in force and not binding on either Party, namely—
The Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia, [2018] GTS 3 (signed and entered into force 29 July 2018); and
The Treaty of Peace for the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace, [2018] GTS 4 (signed and entered into force 13 November 2018); and
The Treaty for a Transition of Government to bring to a conclusion to the Civil War in Gabon, [2018] GTS 5 (signed and entered into force 13 November 2018).
In witness whereof the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and affixed thereto their Seals.
Done in duplicate at Balmoral this seventh day of October, 2020, in the English language.
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