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← Treaties / Treaty for the L Line between the Free Republic of Gabon, the Kingdom of Lusitania, the Republic of Lambat and the Consulate of Lumiere
Treaty for the L Line between the Free Republic of Gabon, the Kingdom of Lusitania, the Republic of Lambat and the Consulate of Lumiere of 2021
Status information
Currency of version
Version current from 11 October 2021 to date, incorporating amendments
Cite as [2021] GTS 1
His Excellency The Lord High Chancellor of the Free Republic of Gabon, His Excellency the King of Lusitania and Lord of Portucale, the Honourable the Presient of the Republic of Lambat and His Excellency the Consul of Lumiere
RECOGNISING that a strong relationship between the Contracting Parties is of significant national interest;
SEEKING to deepen the links and anchor the multilateral relationship and cooperation of the Contracting Parties;
NOTING a desire to establish strong and substantive diplomatic relations
Have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
His Excellency The Lord High Chancellor of the Free Republic of Gabon: Himself
His Excellency the King of Lusitania and Lord of Portucale: Himself
The Honourable the President of the Republic of Lambat: Himself
His Excellency the Consul of Lumiere: Himself
Who, having exhibited their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed as follows–
Article 1
- A rail line will be built according to Figure 1.
- The line will be built following local rail standards when they exist.
- The line shall be:
- Two way
- Right handed
- Properly lit up in a way that no enemy mobs spawn
- Have no griefable toggleable levers on powered rails
- Have no visible ores of any kind
- Maintain a constant high-speed with no obstacles slowing down travel
- Well documented stations explaining the use of the line.
- Optionally the line will have:
- Decorations along the line
- Large enough size to allow for a horse rider
- An iceroad next to it for faster travel
- Powered booster rails should be placed ever 32 meters.
- The line can be underground or overground.
- When underground, it is preferable to build it at the height level of 12 (as of the version 1.16.5 of Minecraft)
- All nations that the line passes through must consent and approve of it.
- The use of a simple destination command is to be guaranteed.
- No third party systems will be required to use the rail.
- Third party systems may be installed to enhance the rail.
- Simple destination is defined as no more than solely the name of the nation whose destination is intended:
- The Free Republic of Gabon will use “Gabon”
- The Republic of Lambat will use “Lambat”
- The Consulate of Lumiere will use “Lumiere”
- The Kingdom of Lusitania will use “Lusitania”.
Article 2
- The signatory parties will commit to further deepening and increasing relations between each other.
- The signatory parties will set up embassies in each other's nations.
- A Discord channel embassy may be opened between the nations.
- Corporations will be allowed to trade freely among the signatory parties, which is defined as:
- No taxes can be imposed on the corporations
- No embargos can be imposed on the corporations.
Article 3
- More destinations may be added with an addendum to this treaty.
- A 2/3rds majority of the signatories must consent to it.
- All nations that the extension goes through must approve of the rail.
In witness whereof the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and affixed thereto their Seals.
Done in quadruplicate at Balmoral this 23rd day of July, 2021, in the English language.
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