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← Treaties / Treaty for a Transition of Government to bring to a conclusion to the Civil War in Gabon
Treaty for a Transition of Government to bring to a conclusion to the Civil War in Gabon of 2018
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Ceased being in force on 19 September 2021
Originally came into force on 13 November 2018
Cite as [2018] GTS 5
The Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace and The Honourable Red Duke of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia
ACKNOWLEDGING the deep relationship and close ties between the peoples of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia,
RESPECTING the ideas and principles underpinning the previous Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia which extended to the now defunct Principality of Gabon,
DESIROUS to continue the effect of the previous Treaty to the new government of Gabon,
Have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
The Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace: Himself
The Honourable Red Duke of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia: Himself
Who, having exhibited their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed as follows—
Article 1 Abolition of the Province of Gabon
The Province of Gabon is forthwith abolished, along with the Assembly of the Province of Gabon and the office titled the Grand Prince of the Province of Gabon.
Article 2 Territory of Gabon
All land claimed and held by the Grand Duchy of Varkonia for the Province of Gabon pursuant to the provisions of the Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia at the time this Treaty is ratified by the High Contracting Parties (“the Gabonaise lands”) shall become the territory of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace. The Grand Duchy of Varkonia shall own the said land on trust for the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the said territory cannot be reduced or made smaller in any way without the consent of the Executive Council of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace but can be enlarged by the Grand Duchy of Varkonia.
Article 3 Self government of Gabon
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace shall have self government and that the Grand Duchy of Varkonia will not interfere or intermeddle with the internal affairs of the latter for any reason whatsoever.
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the Grand Duchy of Varkonia shall not have power to remove from or appoint to office any person whatsoever in the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace. The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the Grand Duchy of Varkonia shall not have the power or competency to modify the system of government in the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
Article 4 Application of laws to Gabon
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the laws of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia shall apply to and within the Gabonaise lands only to the extent that the provision relates to a matter referred to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia by the Executive Council of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the judicature of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace shall have power and jurisdiction to determine whether laws of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia are applicable to and within the Gabonaise lands.
Article 5 Representation of Gabon on Varkonian senate
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that at all times there shall be at least two senators drawn from members of the Executive Council of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
Article 6 Citizenship of Gabon
The High Contracting Parties agree and declare that there is a distinct nationality and citizenship for the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
The High Contracting Parties agree and declare that all persons who at the time this Treaty is ratified were denoted on the register of citizens of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia as a legally recognised resident of the Province of Gabon are, at the time of ratification, citizens of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace.
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that the said Executive Council shall have the power to set requirements for acquisition of citizenship in the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace that this can be independent from any requirements for the acquisition of citizenship in the Grand Duchy of Varkonia.
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that all persons that are from time to time considered by the said Assembly to be citizens of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace shall be citizens of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia.
Article 7 Gabon may withdraw
The Grand Duchy of Varkonia agrees and declares that at any time the Executive Council of the Grand Mercantile Republic of the Autonomous Free Sovereign State of Gabon, the Abode of Peace may withdraw from the Grand Duchy of Varkonia and that the Grand Duchy of Varkonia shall effect within 5 days of a valid written notification from the said Executive Council of an intention to withdraw a treaty ceding the Gabonaise lands to the said Executive Council.
Article 8 Continued operation of previous treaty
The High Contracting Parties agree and declare that any provision of the Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia is void and ineffective to the extent that it is inconsistent with the provisions of the present Treaty.
In witness whereof the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and affixed thereto their Seals.
Done in duplicate at Balmoral this thirteenth day of November, 2018, in the English language.
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