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← Treaties / Memorandum of Understanding on Trade between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia
Memorandum of Understanding on Trade between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia of 2020
Status information
Currency of version
Version current from 19 September 2021 to date, incorporating amendments
Cite as [2020] GTS 2
The Government of the Chancellery of Gabon (Gabon) and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Varkonia (Varkonia),
REINFORCING the longstanding bonds of friendship and cooperation between them and their shared regional interests and ties;
RECOGNISING that open, transparent and competitive markets are key drivers of economic growth, poverty reduction, job creation, innovation, expansion of productive capacity and human development;
DESIRING to secure the benefits of continuing the existing arrangements for trade and generation of goods between the two nations,
1 Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to:
1.1.1. create frameworks that promote commerce in trade and investment between the Parties and their citizens; and
1.1.2. promote economic cooperation for the effective and efficient implementation and utilisation of this Agreement; and
1.1.3. facilitate trade between the Parties by promoting efficient and transparent procedures that expedite the generation and movement of goods to reduce costs and ensure predictability for importers and exporters.
2 Continuation of XP generation alliance
2.1 The Parties recognise that the generation of XP is a significant source of income for either Party and intend to secure the continuation of its production.
2.2 In this section, “farm” means any farm used, maintained or harvested for the dominant purpose of XP production.
2.3.1 Varkonia agrees to continue to allow citizens of Gabon access to the former’s XP Guild and any and all farms associated with that Guild for as long as it continues to exist.
2.3.2 Varkonia may limit access to a list of approved citizens, provided that this list (including as it may be modified from time-to-time) is sent to Gabon.
2.3.3 Gabon agrees to allow Varkonia access to the former’s farms.
2.4 The Parties agree that should either become aware of any person using a farm under this Memorandum of Understanding for a purpose not for the benefit of the XP Guild, that Party must take punitive action against the person (which may include a monetary penalty) and require that person to relinquish the harvested goods to the Guild.
2.5 Varkonia agrees to consult Gabon before implementing any significant change to the former’s XP Guild, and to take into serious consideration any comment, suggestion or recommendation of Gabon in relation to the change.
2.6 If the XP Guild is renamed, reformed or succeeded, Varkonia agrees that this section will be treated as if references to the Guild were references to the new entity.
3 Maintenance and ownership of transportation lines
3.1 In this section, “transportation line” means any method of speedy transportation between Gabon and Varkonia, and includes heavy rail lines and underground tunnels lined with ice.
3.2 The Parties agree to maintain equal co-ownership of transportation lines.
3.3 The Parties agree to cooperate in good faith on the maintenance of transportation lines, including contributing materials and labour necessary for such maintenance works.
4 Provision of intelligence on locations of individuals
4.1 Gabon agrees to provide intelligence on the real-time location of individuals within its territory to Varkonia through electronic notifications automatically created by a software program.
Note: The preceding clause intends to provide Varkonia with access to the information generated by the system commonly known as “Kira”.
4.2 The Parties agree that this section may be varied or its operation suspended with prior written agreement between the Parties, whether or not this agreement formally acts as an amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding.
5 Fast Track Citizenship Program arrangement
5.1 This section applies further to Gabon’s obligations under the Treaty of Friendship between the Chancellery of Gabon and the Grand Duchy of Varkonia, [2020] GTS 1 (signed and entered into force 3 October 2020).
5.2 Gabon agrees to implement a Fast Track Citizenship Program for all citizens of Varkonia who apply for citizenship in Gabon.
5.3 As part of the Program, Gabon will expedite processing of applications.
5.4 Varkonia agrees to cooperate with Gabon by providing Gabon with information about the status of individuals within Varkonia to allow Gabon to implement the Program.
5.5 Varkonia understands that nothing in this section limits the sovereign right of Gabon to manage its naturalisation rules, including to reject applications of undesirable persons.
6 Miscellaneous
6.1 This Memorandum of Understanding will enter into effect on the date of signature.
6.2 This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended in writing by agreement of the Parties.
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