Gabon Legal Information Institute

Gabonese Currency (Francs) Act 2019
An Act to establish a currency for Gabon, and for connected purposes.
Status information
Currency of version
Reprint current from 19 September 2021 to date, incorporating amendments
Originally enacted on 22 November 2019
Legislation on this site is usually updated within 3 working days after a change to the legislation.
BE IT ENACTED by His Excellency The Lord High Chancellor, with the Advice and Consent of His Excellency’s Council, and by the authority of the same, as follows—
1 Establishment
The currency of the Gabonese Franc is established.
2 Currency official
The Gabonese Franc is the official currency of Gabon.
3 Value
The value of a Gabonese Franc is 1 iron ingot.
4 Transactions to be in Gabonese currency
Every sale, every bill of exchange or promissory note, every security for money, and every other contract, agreement, deed, instrument, transaction, dealing, matter or thing relating to money, or involving the payment of, or a liability to pay, money, that is made, executed, entered into or done, shall, unless it is made, executed, entered into or done according to the currency of some country other than Gabon, be made, executed, entered into or done according to the currency of Gabon provided for by this Act.
This Act was originally tabled to His Excellency's Council on 21 November 2019.
This Act was enacted by His Excellency with the advice of the Lord's Council, and entered into force, on 22 November 2019.
This Act was amended by the Justice Legislation Omnibus Amendment Act 2020 on 9 November 2020:
- ins s 4
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