Gabon Legal Information Institute

Citizenship Act 2021
An Act to establish the procedure for becoming a citizen of Gabon, and for other purposes.
Status information
Currency of version
Reprint current from 19 September 2021 to date, incorporating amendments
Originally enacted on 18 July 2021
Legislation on this site is usually updated within 3 working days after a change to the legislation.
Part 1 Residency
All members of Gabon, regardless of their place of residence, possess equal rights under Gabonese law.
1 Establishment of Residents
The citizenry of Gabon shall be divided into residents and citizens. Any individual may become a resident of Gabon at the discretion of an approved member of government.
2 Resident
- A resident is a member of Gabon who resides within the borders of the country.
- Residents will not possess the ability to run for any elected body.
- Residents shall be given basic access to public facilities and ammenities within Gabon alongside limited group access both in-game and on the Gabon discord.
- Residents may possess dual-citizenship and government positions in foreign nations.
- Residents may vote in any Gabonese election or referendum providing there is no stipulation declaring otherwise.
- Residents may petition their councillors and; or lobby for change but shall not count towards the number of signatures required by the constitution to cause a referendum. Residents may be appointed to any government postion that is not an elected body.
- Residents shall take on any responsibilites and; or benefits outlined in relevant that come with any such position as if they were a citizen.
- Residency can be rescinded at any time if;
- the individual no longer resides in Gabon; or
- the individual ceases to own property in Gabon; or
- the individual is currently serving a court-imposed sentence in relation to a criminal offence against Gabon’s laws; or
- the Lord High Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor on the advice of a Lord’s Councillor, remove residency at their discretion.
- Residency may be rescinded at personal request for any reason, at any time.
Part 2 Citizenship
3 Establishment of Citizens
Residents that are vetted by either the Lord High Chancellor and; or the Vice Chancellor, on the advice of a Lord’s Councillor may be approved for citizenship. The decision shall be at the the discretion of said approved members of government.
4 Citizen
- A citizen is deemed an active member of Gabon who resides solely and; or spends a majority of their time within the borders of Gabon, and has been a resident for a period of at least one week.
- Citizens shall be granted any rights and; or benefits given to a resident of Gabon under this Act.
- Citizens may run for any elected body in Gabon.
- Citizens may be given access to private factories and ammenities, and further access in-game and on the Gabon discord.
- Any private access given is up to the discretion of an approved member of government and should be understood to be a privilege and not a right under Gabonese law.
- Citizens may vote in any Gabonese election or referendum.
- Citizens may petition their councillors and; or lobby for change and; or cause for a referendum to be held if the required number of signatories set by the Constitution of Gabon are met.
- Citizen can be rescinded if;
- the individual no longer maintains their citizenship as outlined in this Act.
- the individual no longer resides in Gabon; or
- the individual ceases to own property in Gabon; or
- the individual is currently serving a court-imposed sentence in relation to a criminal offence against Gabon’s laws; or
- the Lord High Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor on the advice of a Lord’s Councillor, remove citizen at their discretion.
- Citizen may be rescinded at personal request for any reason, at any time.
- Should citizen be rescinded for any reason, the individual will become a resident of Gabon under this Act unless declared otherwise by an approved member of government.
5 Maintaining Citizen
- Citizenship must be renewed by the individual on a monthly basis to retain citizen of Gabon.
- All citizens must provide an in-game photo of themselves to the Record Keeper.
- The Record Keeper shall establish a set place in which citizens must take a renewal photo
- The set place must be clearly marked and individuals made aware either privately or publicly via the Gabon discord.
Part 3 Record Keeping
6 Establishment of the Record Keeper
- There is a Record Keeper of Gabon
- The Record Keeper shall be appointed and; or removed by the Lord High Chancellor
7 Term of office
The Record Keeper holds office indefinitely unless and until he or she resigns from office or is removed from office in accordance with this Chapter.
8 Functions
The functions of the Record Keeper are the following–
- to collect and maintain a list of all residents within the nation of Gabon;
- to collect and maintain a list of all citizens within the nation of Gabon;
- to inform and instruct citizens to maintain their citizenship;
- to grant information to citizens upon request of the remaining time of their citizenship;
- to maintain the building in which citizens must take their citizenship renewal photo;
- to present all information to the Lord’s Council by request at any time.
9 Style
The Record Keeper shall be referred to–
- in text–as The Right Honourable Record Keeper of the Free Republic of Gabon; and
- in conversation–Record Keeper.
Part 4 Definitions
10 Establishment of the Approved Members of Government List
There will be a list of approved members of Government as outlined by this Act.
11 Approved Members List
- The List of Approved Members of Government will be as follows;
- The Lord High Chancellor
- The Vice Chancellor
- The Record Keeper
- The List of approved members of Government may be subject to change at any time, for any reason by a majority vote of the Lord’s Council.
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