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← Acts / Architectural Standards (Licence Authority) Amendment Act 2020

Architectural Standards (Licence Authority) Amendment Act 2020

An Act to amend legislation, and for other purposes.

Status information

Currency of version

Reprint current from 19 September 2021 to date, incorporating amendments

Originally enacted on 17 November 2020

Legislation on this site is usually updated within 3 working days after a change to the legislation.

Part 1 Preliminary

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Architectural Standards (Licence Authority) Amendment Act 2020.

2 Repeal

This Act is automatically repealed at the beginning of the day after its commencement.

Part 2 Amendment of Architectural Standards Act 2020

3 Act amended

This Act amends the Architectural Standards Act 2020.

4 Insertion of new s 2 def

Section 2—


authorised person means any of the following—

  1. a high office-bearer;
  2. a delegated office-bearer.

delegated office-bearer means the Head of the Housing and Urban Development Agency as established under the Gabon Public Service Act 2020.

5 Amendment of s 6

Section 6, ‘high office-bearer’—

omit, insert

authorised person

6 Insertion of new s 6 subsections

After section 6—


  1. A delegated office-bearer may not grant a limited building licence for a building or type of building a high office-bearer has ordered must not be built.
  2. A delegated office-bearer may not revoke a limited building licence granted by a high office-bearer.

7 Insertion of new s 7

After section 6—


7 Notifying Cabinet Office of licence grants
  1. This section applies where a delegated office-bearer grants a limited building licence.
  2. The delegated office-bearer must send a copy of the notice to the Cabinet Office.
  3. Notwithstanding section 6, the limited building licence does not take effect until this section has been complied with.


This Act was originally tabled to His Excellency's Council on 16 November 2020.

This Act was enacted by His Excellency with the advice of the Lord's Council, and entered into force, on 17 November 2020.

This Act was automatically repealed by the operation of section 2 on 18 November 2020.

Last edited by Jamie on 19 September 2021: Use new coat of arms (67638f8)
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