Gabon Legal Information Institute
← Announcements and Royal Letters Patent / Defence of Flora within the Principality of Gabon

Defence of Flora within the Principality of Gabon
LP/1/16/Jun/18 — Issued on 16 June 2018, amended on 19 September 2021.
By The Queen
GetSkinny, by the Grace of God, of the Principality of Gabon, Queen, Defender of the Realm, to all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING!
Whereas We have taken into Our Royal Consideration the invaluableness of Our native trees and wildlife that have existed and continue to exist in Our Principality of Gabon;
And desirous that all living things native to Our lands in Our said Principality must be themselves secured and protected;
And whereas it is necessary to make provision for the protection and continuance of the said things;
NOW KNOW YOU that We have thought fit, with the Advice of Our Privy Council to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, hereby to publish and declare to all Our loving Subjects and all others whatsoever who may come to find themselves within Our territory, that We have, with the Advice of Our said Privy Council, granted our Letters Patent, under Our Great Seal of the Principality of Gabon, to defend, within Our lands, all native flora within the bounds of Our territory;
And We do hereby require and command all Our loving Subjects and all others whatsoever who may come to find themselves within Our territory to not destroy, cause to be destroyed or effect in anyway whatsoever the destruction of the native flora within the bounds of Our territory;
And We do hereby reserve to Ourselves Our heirs and successors, full power and authority from time to time to authorise the destruction of a particular instance of flora;
And We do hereby grant and authorise to councillors of Our said Privy Council the authority from time to time to authorise the destruction of a particular instance of flora.
In witness whereof We have caused these Our letters to be made Patent.
WITNESS Ourself at Balmoral, the 16th day of June, in the 1st year of Our reign.
By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign Manual.
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