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← Announcements and Royal Letters Patent / Commission Appointing BritishWanderer to the Office of the Lord High Chancellor of the Principality of Gabon

Commission Appointing BritishWanderer to the Office of the Lord High Chancellor of the Principality of Gabon
C/1/18 — Issued on 14 June 2018, amended on 19 September 2021.
By The Queen
GetSkinny, by the Grace of God, of the Principality of Gabon, Queen, Defender of the Realm.
To Our good friend BritishWanderer.
WE DO, by this Our Commission under Our Sign Manual and the Great Seal of the Principality of Gabon, appoint you, BritishWanderer, to be, during Our pleasure, Our Lord High Chancellor of the Principality of Gabon.
AND WE DO authorise, empower and command you to exercise and perform all and singular the powers and directions contained in the Letters Patent dated 14 June 2018, relating to the office of Lord Chancellor or in future Letters Patent relating to that office, according to such instructions as Our Lord Chancellor for the time being may have received or may in future receive from Us, and according to such laws as are from time to time in force.
AND WE DO declare that the powers conferred by this Our Commission include any further powers that may in future be assigned to the Governor-General in accordance with Our Letters Patent dated 14 June 2018.
Given at Our Court at Balmoral Castle, the 14th day of June, in the 1st year of Our reign.
By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign Manual.
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